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متحف العملات
روي , محافظة مسقط , سلطنة عمان
بيانات المتصل
This museum is located within the Central Bank of Oman building. It displays the succession of currency circulated in the Sultanate of Oman, both paper and metal. The museum includes numerous old and new coins that have been circulated since the early days of the Islamic State. The museum follows the development of paper currency in Oman and its various issues since the beginning of the nineteenth century. These currencies were circulated in the Sultanate as a result of cultural links with many countries.
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روي , محافظة مسقط , سلطنة عمان
بيانات المتصل
الموق: روي ,
الولا: مطرح , محافظة مسقط , سلطنة عمان
رقم الهاتف
المزيد حول
This museum is located within the Central Bank of Oman building. It displays the succession of currency circulated in the Sultanate of Oman, both paper and metal. The museum includes numerous old and new coins that have been circulated since the early days of the Islamic State. The museum follows the development of paper currency in Oman and its various issues since the beginning of the nineteenth century. These currencies were circulated in the Sultanate as a result of cultural links with many countries.
خريطة الموقع

رسائل نصية / البريد الإلكتروني


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